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安霸的产品广泛应用于人工智能计算机视觉、视频图像处理、视频录制等领域,包括视频安防、高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、电子后视镜、行车记录仪、驾驶员及舱内智能监控、智能汽车无人驾驶和机器人应用等。安霸的高性能、低功耗AI处理器提供超高清图像处理、视频压缩及强大的神经网络处理,能够从高分辨率视频和雷达信息中提取有价值的数据,在智能感知、传感器融合和中央域控处理系统等领域大显身手。欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.ambarella.com


Solid-State Camcorders

We enabled the first full-HD solid-state handheld camcorders, bringing high-definition video to the masses.

Broadcast Television

Our compression excellence made us the #1 encoding solution for the broadcast market, with a majority of all broadcast television passing through our chips on any given day.

The Action Camera Era

We helped create the sports camera market with the iconic GoPro Hero line.

Dash Cameras

We’ve equipped over 20 million dash cameras globally, giving rise to a YouTube clip-sharing phenomenon.


We brought HD and UHD video to drones for the first time, powering many of DJI’s and Parrot’s best-selling products.

Police Wearable Cameras

We power a majority of the world’s police body cams.

Professional Security

We were the first to enable HD and UHD security with low power; we revolutionized image processing for low-light and high-contrast scenes; and we are an industry leader in next-generation intelligent video security solutions.

Consumer Security

We’ve been working with some of the most recognizable names in the industry—starting with Dropcam (the company that later became Nest)—to make smart home security affordable for everyone.


We are leveraging over 20 years of automotive computer vision research to deliver ADAS, electronic mirrors, recording, surround view, and autonomous technologies to OEM and Tier-1 suppliers around the world.